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The Sugar Season

“Once again, Douglas Whynott demonstrates his uncanny ability to open up what seems to be ordinary and reveal it as something much more than we ever could have imagined. In this case, it’s the maple syrup industry, and Whynott take us from the metal bucket hanging on a tree into a world of currency bets, Global Strategic Reserves, climate change, and international trade. It’s quite a story, and quite a book.” –Daniel Okrent, author of Last Call: The Rise and Fall of Prohibition

Following the Bloom

"Like John McPhee writing on oranges, Whynott demonstrates that an accomplished and fervent author can tell readers more than they would have wanted to know about a seemingly mundane subject. In this enthralling book, bees... and the migratory beekeeping business... are captured in prose that, although factual, evokes transcendental contemplation and daydream."
Booklist, starred review

Giant Bluefin

"Mr. Whynott, an 11th generation Cape Codder, celebrates the wonder of these fish most expressively in these pages... In this eloquent book, Mr. Whynott holds science up to reality. He leaves the reader rooting hard for the survival of the giant bluefin, 'fish of show, splendor and speed,' as he makes clear. But unusually enough, he also leaves you rooting hard for the people."
–Christopher Lehmann-Haupt, The New York Times

A Unit of Water, A Unit of Time

"With understated grace, the author evokes a sense of the maritime community as well as a fierce devotion to boats and a love of the sea, which emerges as an almost mystical form of communion with nature and the cosmos... E. B. White would have approved of this quietly profound book; it's a real beauty."
Publisher's Weekly

A Country Practice

"Whynott's portrayals are moving and involving. He is a most invisible observer. This is an absorbing inside look at a changing profession between a veteran owner, an experienced young man with ambitions of his own, and a neophyte struggling to find her place. A book to be enjoyed by anyone who likes animals and a must for aspiring veterinarians."
--Lynn Harnett, The Portsmouth Herald